Come Clean, Jorge: An Open Letter to the Bishop of Rome (aka "Pope Francis")
from Kevin Annett
Dispatched December 6, 2013
Dispatched December 6, 2013
Call no man on earth your Father, for you have only one father, who is in heaven. - Matthew 23:9
Above everything, any successful ruler must appear to be religious. - Nicolo Machiavelli
That dumb little smirk of yours is really starting to bug me, Jorge.
Like, so what if you're the CEO of the richest corporation on the planet? I don't care how many media moguls adore your ass. Try some decorum, man. Consider the lilies of the field, or something.
Of course, it's not that you don't have every reason to be smiling these days. I mean, congratulations, boyo! You've really pulled it off! For who else but a Jesuit could get the world to believe he's the next best thing to Jesus Christ himself, merely by smirking and waving for the cameras, and mouthing the politically correct phrases that raped and battered people so desperately need to hear?
Sure, any Spin Doctoring 101 graduate will give you top grades for how well you've spread a shiny veneer over that spiritual slag heap of yours in Rome. But don't let that go to your head. We all know you're a people pleaser and a guy who greases wheels and hands: just look at the brilliant publicity job you did for General Galtieri and his fellow bad boys down in Buenos Aires, during their Dirty Wars. You lie better than the best of them, Jorge, sincerely and convincingly: unlike your sorry predecessor, Herr Ratzinger, who even you Cardinals liked to call "Joe the Rat" for his unabashedly honest nastiness.
Say hi to Joe, by the way. From me. I hope he doesn't bear me a grudge.
But enough of this gay banter, Jorge. I need you to clear up a few things for me, and the world.
I get you, so far. You're keeping your critics and various lawyers bearing subpoenas at bay with your politically correct bafflegab while your Vatican Bank number crunchers transfer all that laundered mob money and war machine profits into various offshore hands, including in Bejing, apparently. Maybe it's even true that you and the Chinese are trying to dominate world money markets with a single currency, as some of your own insiders claim. And so why shouldn't your little distraction ploy work? It's a tried and true method of all regimes under siege.
Well, as we say in Belfast, Jorge, I'll have a pint if you're buying, but only if your money's good. And the looming fuck up on your gilded horizon is this: blame it on hubris, maybe, but the very success of your "Jorge the Second Coming" performance seems to be convincing you of your own lie, if judging by recent (and there have been many) public exhortations you've made.
Now that's never good, according to Machiavelli, whom I know you read. That 16th century street wise advisor to popes told guys like you to never conceal their real purpose for too long lest they become entangled in their own dissimulation, and end up confusing and dividing their own court. You're starting to do that, and apparently piss off some king-making Italian cardinals and their banksters who quite rightly know, as you do, that prayers and piety is fine for the masses, but that meanwhile, your god deals in cash and credit.
Anyway, Jorge, why don't you just come clean? You know fully well that you're not about to tamper with global capitalism or bring justice to the poor - although I did like that cute story your media people circulated recently, about you wandering like a latter day St. Francis through the streets of Rome at night, feeding the homeless. Very nice.
But don't let all that feel good shit make you forget what happened to the last Pope who tried cleaning house and giving away the Vatican wealth, back in the fall of 1978. John Paul Number One died after 28 days in office - poisoned, apparently - while you, Jorge, are still very much alive. That sure tells us something.
Besides, the more you prattle on about justice and reform, dummy, the more your credibility starts hanging down somewhere below that spotless white robe of yours. Because after all is said and done, you are still the fiduciary (read: legally responsible) head of the biggest child trafficking racket and criminal conspiracy on the planet: a criminality you affirmed in your July 11 "Apostolic Letter", which reminded all catholics that anyone who talks about in-church child rape can end up counting their rosary beads inside that dank private prison of yours in the Vatican's basement.
Now that was more like it, Jorge. Machiavelli would be proud of such forthrightness. Rulers, he said, should never shrink from ruthlessness to protect their authority. And your Apostolic Letter was simply doing what Machiavelli prescribes, which is, when caught in a wrong, a ruler must pretend to be reforming his kingdom while eliminating any chance that he may be further exposed. He has to bury the evidence and plug all the information leaks, which is what you've done.
But holy shit, Jorge! Your mentor said to just pretend reform. Pretend! Don't actually do it, stupid! For the last thing one does to a tottering regime like yours is to open the floodgates of change at critical moments.
Jesus, Jorge, you must know that. It's elementary political arithmetic; and nobody gets to be CEO of the Beast in Rome without knowing the score. Maybe the professional shyster in you has us all fooled. Just don't end up fooling yourself in the process: the cardinal sin for any ruler, says Machiavelli.
But here's the final rub, Jorge, and the main purpose of my little epistle to you: ultimately, none of this shit matters, considering the legal and the spiritual fact that neither you nor your Vatican Incorporated actually exist any more.
Last August 4, your entire church was declared to be a Transnational Criminal Organization under International Law, which means that since that date, you are null and void as a legitimate or lawful power.
Now, it being the Christmas season and all, it's true that everybody is engaged in the Santa Claus Myth for the sake of the children; and what bigger Santa Claus fable is there, besides old saint Nick, (sorry, girls) than the unsupportable belief that the Vatican is a "sovereign nation" with its own laws and authority. But even millions of believers in the King's adornment doesn't hide his actual nakedness.
Sure, politicians and judges around the world play along with this big papal lie: I mean, who wouldn't, for a million bucks at election time? But behind all this human duplicity stands the immutable truth of the law, Jorge: that law which says that no ruler, anywhere, is above justice, and that an institutionalized child trafficking and money laundering church like yours is a criminal body whose assets and property can be lawfully seized, and its officers arrested … not tomorrow, but today.
It gets worse for you, boyo. For behind even that law stands God, who condemns you far more deeply and more finally than can any human court.
Maybe you know this, too, considering how compulsively you refer to God with words that reduce Deity to a harmless iconic image. That's what killers do to their victims, and paying lip service is always the first response of the guilty. But none of that works any more, Jorge. Because now, the joke is on you.
I guess you'd call it the comic punch line, which I first gleaned the day after I conducted our first exorcism ceremony outside the Vatican in late 2009, and a tornado struck central Rome the next morning. And this is it:
The living God has stepped out from behind religion and rhetoric to shatter you and your blood soaked Temple. And all of your words and posturing have no power to stop the cataclysm that is bringing down your entire corrupt mess.
I hate, I despise your religious assemblies, and will have no more of them … For I am against the false shepherds and will destroy them utterly. Remember?
God is written on human hearts, Jorge, and needs no interpreter, least of all a false church and its false shepherds. For what need has a living God of justice for a man-made religion like yours - especially at a crisis moment in human history, like now, when God alone can save us?
So take off the white robe, Jorge. That's a command, not a request. It doesn't become you, anyway.
We'll see you in court - and you know which court I mean.
See the evidence of Genocide in Canada and other crimes against the innocent at and at the website of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State at
An International, multi-lingual ITCCS site can be found at:
The complete Common Law Court proceedings of Genocide in Canada are found at: - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part One) - 1 hr. 46 mins. - Common Law Court Proceedings - Genocide in Canada (Part Two) - 1 hr. 47 mins. - Final Court Verdict and Sentencing - 8 mins. 30 secs. - Authorizations and Endorsements of ITCCS/Kevin Annett by indigenous eyewitnesses - 10 mins. - Irene Favel, Eyewitness to the incineration of a newborn baby by a priest at Muscowegan Catholic Indian school, Saskatchewan, 1944 - Other key testimonies from our Court case against genocide in Canada
Kevin Annett is a Nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize (2013). Messages for him can be left at 250-591-4573 (Canada) or 386-323-5774 (USA). His website blog is .
"I gave Kevin Annett his Indian name, Eagle Strong Voice, in 2004 when I adopted him into our Anishinabe Nation. He carries that name proudly because he is doing the job he was sent to do, to tell his people of their wrongs. He speaks strongly and with truth. He speaks for our stolen and murdered children. I ask everyone to listen to him and welcome him."
Chief Louis Daniels - Whispers Wind
Elder, Crane Clan, Anishinabe Nation, Winnipeg, Manitoba
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