What I find quite amusing about deceptive skanks like Heather Martin is that they can't take the crap they dish out to others regularly.
First Heather Martin goes for the jugular with her defamatory libel and wild-eyed false accusations against Kevin Annett and Kitty Hundal and others, and then when someone responds exactly in kind all of a sudden Heather’s screeching like a little baby about how victimized she is by evil meanies.
If you can't take it, Heather Martin, don't dish it out.
Basic rule of the Internet.
Heather Martin Must Be Stopped! The raison d'etre for people like Heather Martin appears to be to defame and libel serious social activists in an effort to discredit them. This also has the additional 'benefit' of disrupting various social causes by targeting key, respected people and fostering dissension and doubt in the ranks of those social activist circles.
Historically people like Heather Martin have come from different milieus.
You have the Heather Martins who are basically prostitutes and who will do just about anything for a pat on the head or a few dollars or a well-timed favor. These ones are sometimes recruited by the Feds.
No offense intended to sex trade workers who frequently hold to much higher ethical and moral standards than the Heather Martins of our world.
These Heather Martins will pretend to be activists but they almost always get caught, identified and ousted from social activists circles due to their own stupidity. They are basically untrustworthy even where the Feds are concerned because they are frequently unstable and unable to differentiate objective truth from their delusional hate paradigms.
They will usually hang around social activist groups and pretend to be a writer or film maker or both. This allows them to intrude into people's privacy in a way that would be suspicious without that cover.
Online they will lurk in numerous online social activist groups and take numerous screenshots of what people are saying, passing those on. Unfortunately because they're mentally unstable the Feds tend to ignore their 'evidence' which usually amounts to nothing. They often cyberstalk and cyberharass serious, credible activists by joining the groups that they are members of so that they can screenshot their posts, spread malicious rumors to other members of the group behind the backs of the activist, disrupt the group with public lies about the activist they're targeting in order to fabricate dramas to pressure the admins of the group to ban the target.
- Heather Martin of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan was running around filming Occupy Saskatoon events and presenting herself as a film producer.
- Her attacks on social activists can only be described as irrational although that fact works against her being a Fed since they do tend to be rational and do tend to have a clearly defined goal in place.
- The Feds have been known to engage in pathological lying but they tend to keep their lies rational and at least somewhat believable unlike Heather Martin.
- In recent weeks Heather Martin has started to cyberstalk Kevin Annett by joining every single group that Kevin Annett is a member of. She has done nothing but lurk on those groups and post the occasional bit of irrelevant nonsense which has been ignored. Note that these are not groups where she supports the topic. The woman has a hate-on for atheists and has made that clear in her vicious attack on Kitty Hundal and yet she joins atheist groups which Kevin Annett is a member of.
- In recent months Heather Martin also joined a Facebook group called the BoneYard. This is a group of people who have literally done nothing for the last few years but attack, defame, libel, harass, and maliciously persecute legitimate social activists and hactivists. So, she is in good company and has been exchanging CyberStalking and Harassment tips with that group. They and Heather Martin have openly expressed their hate for the Anonymous ideal and Heather Martin quotes liberally from Kilgoar, a recently exposed Fed who attacks Anonymous, in her blog post which also viciously libels and defames Kitty Hundal. In the sick minds of the BoneYard residents (appropriate name for this dying lot of corrupt individuals) anyone who disagrees with their bullshit is a 'pedo'. This 'crying wolf' has finally discredited them. People have started to clue in to the fact that this is simply just one of numerous malicious lies these crazies spread when someone won't kow tow to this little group of jackbooted nazis.
Of course it's always possible she was/is applying for a job with the Feds by doing what she was/is doing. If so, I seriously doubt she got or will get the job. ROFL. They generally want to get an accurate picture of what's going on first before they decide what disinformation or misinformation they want to spread about someone to discredit them.
Moving on ...
Then you have the Heather Martins who are just inherently despicable people filled with hate and unable to integrate socially in a normal way. These Heather Martins just run around looking for people to trash so they target anyone whose competent, professional, nice and has the potential to be very successful and their goal is to ensure they fail. Simply for the pleasure of it. No other reason.
These Heather Martins are usually psychopaths or sociopaths and tend to also recruit other haters because they're cowards and don't feel confident unless they have a little goon squad following in their wake.
This Heather Martin does appear to qualify here as well.
Attempts to engage her in rational discourse ended quickly when her response to what was initially a very friendly outreach, was to go batshit crazy and make numerous, wild-eyed, false, allegations on her Kevin Annett attack blog regarding Charley Brown (American Indian Movement) and Kitty Hundal. Kitty Hundal, in a cooperative and friendly gesture of diplomacy removed a comment from a report written by members of Team AnonPress regarding Kevin Annett. The comment was removed simply because Heather Martin objected to it.
Rather than reacting like a normal, rational person would and appreciate the diplomatic and friendly gesture, Heather converted it into some evil conspiracy in a blog post on her Kevin Annett hate blog.
The accusations she made in that post were completely baseless and crazy. Her attempts to tie her lies to content in private emails Kitty Hundal had exchanged with a third party and which Heather Martin appears to have obtained illegally, failed miserably.
So, as a result, and as usual she makes herself look like a liar.
Note that she did not, nor will she ever get permission from Kitty Hundal to post the contents of her personal emails to a third party. Also note the emails themselves contradict Heather Martin's allegations proving them to be lies. It takes a real shamefaced liar or a completely batshit crazy idiot to post allegations and then post evidence which contradicts those allegations but claim it supports them. ROFL.
This is a common practice by the RatKrew crazies in the BoneYard so it's not surprising that as soon as Heather Martin hooked up with them she also followed their instructions to the letter and did what they do.
However, this type of irrational hate-on can be an indication of psychopathy or sociopathy and it existed before she hooked with the BoneYard RatKrew cult. Her hate blog against Kevin Annett is the evidence of that. It is a blog filled with venom, rumor mongering and libel. Not a moment of time has been spent doing any research into the issues never mind 'meticulous research'. The 'meticulous research' consisted of running around and digging up things that could be spun as negatives and turned into rumors through misinformation and disinformation techniques.
The RatKrew has a similar hate-on for Kitty Hundal and the reason that they hooked up with Heather Martin was because they needed a mindless shill to spew their lies about Kitty Hundal so that they could claim that others 'independently agreed with them'. Of course that lie came back to bite them because Heather Martin stupidly posted those emails tying the lies directly to the RatKrew. The emails were a brief exchange between Kitty Hundal and a member of the RatKrew and a friendly outreach to attempt to negotiate a truce between that individual and Kitty Hundal. They are the evidence of the RatKrew involvement and instigation of Heather Martin to turn her into their attack dog against Kitty Hundal. They are also evidence of the backstabbing, vicious, and untrustworthy nature of the RatKrew.
The Rat\Krew is like those people who organize dog and chicken fights. They're too incompetent to fight themselves but they get a lot of pleasure out of seeing others blood shed so they set others up to do the fighting for them.
Note that Ms. Martin is a nurse by occupation and if she is indeed a Psychopath or Sociopath I certainly hope the Hospital that she's currently employed at is keeping a close eye on the number of patients who 'accidentally' or by alleged 'natural causes' 'die' or become worse under her 'care'.
I'm sure there are other possible explanations for this Heather Martin's irrational, wild-eyed, and grossly irresponsible behavior of engaging in defamatory libel against social activists but the above seems to fit the profile the best in my opinion.
I'm certainly open to other suggestions and ideas on what could be driving this lunatics obsession.
If Heather Martin really did have a genuine concern for social causes like residential school abuse, child abuse and trafficking, then there are many constructive and productive activities that she could be engaging in to support and promote those causes. Yet she isn't doing that.
Why not?
Instead she hooks up with a Facebook RatKrew that is responsible for and was exposed for running a DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam. They were recruiting Anons by calling it a 'sting' but it was actually just a fraud and no pedophiles were being reported to the police nor was their any police involvement as claimed. This is not the type of thing Anonymous gets involved in. It goes completely against the ideal, the concept of what Anonymous is. The RatKrew knew that which is why they lied and called it 'sting' knowing full well it wasn't.
That alone should tell you all you need to know about Heather Martin.
The Evidence of Kree Love's operation of the DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam and Heather Martin's partnership with the Kree Love Kult Of Liars RatKrew in their cyberbullying, cyberharassment and cyberstalking campaigns against legitimate and credible social activists.
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Kree Love Echelon DarkNet Child Trafficking Price List |
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Kree Love distributing the DarkNet Child Trafficking scam price list |
3. Direct evidence that Kree Love operated the scam
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Kree Love in action, operating his DarkNet Child Trafficking Scam |
4. Direct evidence of the Kree Love Kult of Liars RatKrew partnership and collusion with Heather Martin
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Heather Martin joins forces with the Kree Love Kult of Liars RatKrew in harassment and stalking of social activists |
5. Kree Love apparently has a history of stalking and harassing social activists just like Heather Martin. Birds of a feather it would seem.
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Kree Love history of harassing and stalking social activists |
Unlike the irrelevant bullshit Heather Martin posts and calls 'evidence', none of the evidence presented here is deceptive, indirect, speculative, unrelated, etc.
It is all direct, first hand, independently verifiable evidence that would stand up in any court of law to demonstrate exactly what I'm claiming is true, to be true.
Only liars play the type of deception games that Heather Martin and Kree Love and his Kult of Liars RatKrew play when they post numerous irrelevant, unrelated, indirectly related, speculative nonsense and claim it's evidence of their bullshit and lies.
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